Can I do supply chain management with a finance degree?

What is supply chain management?

Supply chain management has become a course that many wants to pursue due to its increasing scope in the business world. Someone who has a degree in supply chain management can help companies manage their supply chain and in turn cut excess costs and deliver products to the consumer faster and more efficiently. In fact, according to GEODIS, 2019, 57% of companies believe that supply chain management gives them a competitive edge that enables them to further develop their business.

It is expected and estimated that jobs in supply chain management will continue to grow as the global supply chain continues to change and evolve. Demand for those with the skills and education to manage supply chain, create and execute supply chain strategies, and influence supply chain optimization will be highly sought after. Therefore, it is obvious why one must want to pursue supply chain management even after having other degree at their name. In fact, Zippia statistics suggests that the global supply chain market size value is $15.85 billion.

What is a finance degree?

On the other hand, finance degree is one of the oldest degrees to exist but they manage to be relevant till date. A finance degree helps you under different elements of banking, trading and economics well. it involves credit, debit, capital markets, economic principles and many other things. A finance degree is enough to get you a stable job in the market. A finance degree opens doors to careers across economic sectors. Finance professionals can work with individuals, companies, or governments, assisting with things like budgeting and analysis. For example, financial advisors, planners, and managers inform clients on retirement, stocks and bonds, money lending and borrowing, and insurance.

Is supply chain management good for someone with finance degree?

Finance degree helps you understand the business and economic structure better, it enhances your knowledge about the rules, regulation and tricks to continue an easy flow in business. Supply chain management is also related to businesses and their management therefore someone with finance degree can definitely go with supply chain management. In fact, supply chain management brings together concepts from finance, economics, and logistics which is why having a degree in finance will be a benefit for you when you apply to supply chain management courses. Since these courses equip students with skills in many areas and build organizational, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills, having a background in finance can help you understand many concepts better. 

There are some important qualities that only someone with finance degree can bring to the Supply chain management and these qualities are highly in demand by companies around the world. SCM deals with finance analytics and analysis and a finance degree can help you with it. therefore, you can study supply chain management with a finance degree and this degree will also help you with your SCM degree as well. There are many institutes that offer SCM degree along with websites that offer online courses you can apply in any of those and start your journey!